Vihdoin onnistuin löytymään Zucchiniin Fabianinkatu neloseen lounasaikaan! Paikka oli täynnä, mutta istumapaikka yhdelle löytyi jonottamatta. Päivän annos oli kantarellirisottoa kasvishöysteellä. Palan painikkeeksi kulautin lasillisen luomu-pinot gris'ia Alsacesta.
Annos oli tosi reilun kokoinen, joten hinta-laatusuhde 9,30€ lounaalle oli ok. Lisäksi tarjolla oli leipää, kivana vaihtoehtona myös rieskaa. Risotto oli hyvää, juuri niin al dente että jos olisin tehnyt sen itse, epäilisin sen olevan raakaa :)
Zucchini is counted into top veggie restaurants in Helsinki (not that they are very many of them all together). Had chanterelle risotto with veggie stew, also a glass of organic pinot gris from Alsace. The risotto was just perfectly al dente, all in all a great lunch. Zucchini is open just lunchtime until 4 pm and only weekdays.
Ihouni | Dreaming skin
Minut oli ankkuroitu veteen niin että vain kasvot olivat vedenpinnan yläpuolella. Vetyin ja viivyin pinnan alla niin kauan että iho irtosi kokonaan, jäljelle jäi punertava arka verinahka. Sen päälle siveltiin pensselillä uusi pinta, useita kerroksia. Uuden pinnan saaminen sattui mahdottoman paljon mutta tiesin että se on välttämätöntä. Eihän ilman ihoa voi olla.
I was being anchored underwater, only face above the water surface. Stayed there a long long time. So long that all of my skin peeled off totally, leaving the flesh and veins uncovered. A new skin was brushed in to replace the old one. It hurt so much, but I just had to take the pain. Knowing that it is necessary to have a skin, a surface.
I was being anchored underwater, only face above the water surface. Stayed there a long long time. So long that all of my skin peeled off totally, leaving the flesh and veins uncovered. A new skin was brushed in to replace the old one. It hurt so much, but I just had to take the pain. Knowing that it is necessary to have a skin, a surface.
Julkaise-painikeuni | Published dream
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There was a bug in FB/Google+. Everything I wrote appeared to every users stream in the whole world. My typing also was seen on ad screens at Times Square, NY. Felt a tad embarrassed, even though I wasn't writing anything especially secretive. Even the best IT spports couldn't fix the problem or close down the applications.
There was a bug in FB/Google+. Everything I wrote appeared to every users stream in the whole world. My typing also was seen on ad screens at Times Square, NY. Felt a tad embarrassed, even though I wasn't writing anything especially secretive. Even the best IT spports couldn't fix the problem or close down the applications.
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